my 4ft set-up

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This looks like a predominantly goldfish tank correct? I noticed you have an albino rainbow shark, I know you don't want to hear this but it's not compatible. They are tropical fish whereas goldfish are not. You need to remove the shark and if your tank is heated it should not be higher than 72 degrees. 68-72 is optimal
This looks like a predominantly goldfish tank correct? I noticed you have an albino rainbow shark, I know you don't want to hear this but it's not compatible. They are tropical fish whereas goldfish are not. You need to remove the shark and if your tank is heated it should not be higher than 72 degrees. 68-72 is optimal

I have had this tank for 7 months and yes it is heated yes i have cold water fish living with warm water fish and no fatalities all my fish are healthy the tank is at 26° c i have sharks, catfish 4 diferent species all my fish ar healthy including pleccs glash catfish albino and upsife down catfish 2 black red tailed sharks and a albino plus many more. My fish are fine.
i have had this tank for 7 months and yes it is heated yes i have cold water fish living with warm water fish and no fatalities all my fish are healthy the tank is at 26° c i have sharks, catfish 4 diferent species all my fish ar healthy including pleccs glash catfish albino and upsife down catfish 2 black red tailed sharks and a albino plus many more. My fish are fine.





What you have determined as "fine" and what is properly ideal are two different things. I was providing advice for the sake of your fish, if you choose to ignore it that's up to you but I'm 100% positive every seasoned member on here will agree with me about your stock.
What you have determined as "fine" and what is properly ideal are two different things. I was providing advice for the sake of your fish, if you choose to ignore it that's up to you but I'm 100% positive every seasoned member on here will agree with me about your stock.

Ok il take your advice when my fish start dieing as this tank has been established nearly 8 month . + 9 month prior they was moved from my smaller tank to this 1 and still no fatalitys as i had cold water loach , shabumpkin and my big catfish in it.
Ok il take your advice when my fish start dieing as this tank has been established nearly 8 month . + 9 month prior they was moved from my smaller tank to this 1 and still no fatalitys as i had cold water loach , shabumpkin and my big catfish in it.

Don't just disregard the advice given to you because you don't like it, you clearly don't have the experience that others do given your mix match tank. Waiting for a fish to die before doing anything is obviously too late anybody can see that.
People here don't care about you or your feelings just what's best for your fish.
Listen to them and your fish will be all the better for it.
Don't just disregard the advice given to you because you don't like it, you clearly don't have the experience that others do given your mix match tank. Waiting for a fish to die before doing anything is obviously too late anybody can see that.
People here don't care about you or your feelings just what's best for your fish.
Listen to them and your fish will be all the better for it.

No you dont like the fact that your knoledge is goin by books my tank proves fact that cold and warm fish can live together as i have them living together FACT!!! They in total have been together 18 month my fish r better for it as they all get on and do not fight and none of them have died. So go read your books mate while il watch my beautiful fish being happy
No you dont like the fact that your knoledge is goin by books my tank proves fact that cold and warm fish can live together as i have them living together FACT!!! They in total have been together 18 month my fish r better for it as they all get on and do not fight and none of them have died. So go read your books mate while il watch my beautiful fish being happy

Dont c any1 else comenting on ere backing u if my fish died or was eaten by others id retract my statement .. Until then your wrong ..
End of the day cold water fish belong in cold water and tropical fish belong in warm any one who is knowledgable of fish knows this yes goldfish can survive but weather or not its there ideal living conditions is a different story and most people will tell u that
They may be fine now but what will happen is either the cold water species or the tropical species will suffer and die early. My guess is the goldfish will die in a few years and you will still think it was a success because they all lived a few years together. When actually the goldfish shoulda lived for 20 years. There is less than optimal conditions for your fish in your tank... That is FACT
End of the day cold water fish belong in cold water and tropical fish belong in warm any one who is knowledgable of fish knows this yes goldfish can survive but weather or not its there ideal living conditions is a different story and most people will tell u that

So your telling me in the summer fish die in there natrual habitat because it gets warm..... Get a grip my fish are fine nothing wrong with them and my friends tank has been mixed for over 5 yrs. I think il take the proof rather than hear say lmao
So your telling me in the summer fish die in there natrual habitat because it gets warm..... Get a grip my fish are fine nothing wrong with them and my friends tank has been mixed for over 5 yrs. I think il take the proof rather than hear say lmao

mate show me a 20 yr old goldfish thats lives in a tank lol
Sorry to break it to ya buddy but its not hear say :/ its fact i gauruntee you that your gold fish would thrive much more in a pond or coldwater tank but not much point in us trying to help u if u dont listen
Sorry to break it to ya buddy but its not hear say :/ its fact i gauruntee you that your gold fish would thrive much more in a pond or coldwater tank but not much point in us trying to help u if u dont listen

I ent sayin they dont live 20 yrs but most dont live 10 il let u no how my fish are in another 18 yrs
I ent sayin they dont live 20 yrs but most dont live 10 il let u no how my fish are in another 18 yrs

Most don't live 10 because idiots like you own them, house them wrong, and generally think it's ok....
We are jist trying to help you woth your tank ypu dont need to be cocky its constructive critisisom

Like i sed il let u no in yrs to come when they are still alive. My friends tank is over 5 yr old and all his are still fine. I could understand if you had the tank and i proved that thy cant. But we have the tanks which prove thay can
Like i sed il let u no in yrs to come when they are still alive. My friends tank is over 5 yr old and all his are still fine. I could understand if you had the tank and i proved that thy cant. But we have the tanks which prove thay can

People live in the streets, people live in prisons, yes it can be done nobody is denying it. But it's not ideal is it? Get off your high horse and do some research!
Ok 15 years. If looked after properly. I don't keep goldfish not sure the exact age but I know people keep them 10-20 years no problem. Most people like yourself, with limited knowledge, think because they lived 1,2,3 even 5 years before death that it was a complete success. When actually the fish died early due to being under stress it's entire life. By the way Tish lived for 43 years and Fred lived 41.
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