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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 19, 2013
hello all, new guy here.

I recently bought a 150g (48x24x31) off CL with stand, canister filter, powere filter, and heater. only dropped 400 simoleons on it. I does have leaks and needs to be resealed, bu i got it knowing this but i figured WTH i have plenty of time and could use a project, and if worse comes to worse maybe trade or sell for a smaller tank anyway. I bought silicone from my LFS, so im sure that is okay.

I have some concerns tho.

1) it seems that the bottom brace bar is crackced, not all the way from front to back but its cracked, LFS said shouldnt be an issue since its still together.

2) can i use a fine grain sand paper to get the little pits of silicon off after i got the majority off? or will this damage the glass?

I think thats all for now, im sure i will think of more when i walk away from my comp..

id def take a bit and really re-consider using the tank. there are ways to fix center braces on tanks (my 72g bowfront has a broken top center brace)and even resealing is possible but the bottom center brace being cracked AND needing resealed is a big deal IMO. you are looking at prob 1,200-1,400 lbs of tank sitting there. if you have a tank failure when full, it has the capability of causing structural water damage. my 72" 125 blew its bottom seal out and emptied all 125 gallons onto our living room hardwood floor, through it, into the basement, and inside the walls. i apologize if my reply seems frightening but as a hobbyist that's gone through it myself, id hate to see others go through it as well.

as for the sand paper, i used 0000 steel wool with soap water to clean up my silicone edges.
also try to determine who manufactured the tank. a lot of companies offer lifetime warranties on their bigger sized tanks. All-glass (now aqueon) replaced my 125 for free.
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