Anyone Retro'd AGA 24"?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 20, 2008
Hey everyone. Just got my 55w bright kit form ah supply today and just finished wiring the ballast. That went smoothly. I just moved to a new apartment so I don't have many tools, but I need to drill holes to mount the reflector inside my 24" All-Glass plastic strip. I will be borrowing a friends tomorrow. Anyways, the cord that has the PC connection on it which goes inside the fixture has alot of excess cord.....should I just try to stuff it up inside the fixture? I just feel that there is waaay too much wiring to fit inside my strip as is. Any input is appreciated.
Cord Length

I would probably shorten the cord. You can find a roll switch at a local hardware store to help make the connection. You could also just buy a plug and attach it to where you snipped the wire. Just a thought. I have had to do this a few times. Usually when I have to wire an additional ballast in, I just remove the excess cable from the end that goes into the ballast. Be careful! Good luck.
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