Rock fence?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 9, 2012
Lexington, KY
Ok, I get ideas in my head and just have to get them out haha. I have been tossing around an idea of a planted tank with a "tank" size rock fence. I live in Kentucky (born and raised) and drive by these wreck fences all my life. Bluegrass, horse country lol. So here is my idea and I need help thing it through.

I picture a tank (let's say my 37 gallon tall for kicks and grins) with a rock fence (replicated and fit to size in the tank) rolling kinda through the middle of the tank (not center but off center) that kinda goes from front to back (not really but in that direction). Bits of moss growing in/out of it maybe?

On one side of the "fence" is a piece of driftwood made to look like a tree with moss as the top of the "tree". Maybe some small type plants around that (dont want them to get big though cause the tree is the focal point in my head lol)

On the other side is maybe some grass type plants nothing big again though cause in my head it looks like a horse farm.

So I have been trying to wrap my head around making this "fence".

1. Trying to find flat rocks that small and amount... The base rocks go horizontal and the top rocks go vertical laying on their side slanted some. Con: may be difficult to get them that small and in the shape I need them in


2. Getting a piece of styrofoam and cutting to to that size the carving the "shape" of each rock in them. Con: bending in a way that it looks natural and all of the detail it will entail

I will take a couple pics tomorrow so you can see what I am looking at every day haha. I just need help thinking this whole plan through (hubby looks at me like I am crazy lol)
Go for it ! It may not work , it may be brilliant ! Ya gotta try tho. Following :).
could use a tile saw and cut your own
just a thought
definitely would be original and would look neat!!
im gonna be following along i love horses and planted tanks i think if you did microsword opposite the fence fromo the tree it wouls make a nice pasture look
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