where to find 1/32" thick acrylic sheet

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 2, 2011
do any of you know where i can get a 1/32" thick acrylic sheet that is 4 foot by 8 foot
Before you start searching online retailers, I'd look locally. Grab a phonebook or online equivalent and search for plastics shops.
Shipping on a sheet that large will be incredible.
i have went to all my local shop but they have not thing
Is there anything out a bit further? The shipping is going to be a nightmare on that size of acrylic.
no there are not alot of shop that have acrylic where i live
Have you asked your local glass shops?

They can usually get plexi and lexan in large sizes.
yes i try all my local shop and the all say no
i have seen 1/32 acrylic but the biggest i seen it has been 4 foot by 2 foot to small for what i need
home depot carries acrylic but alot of them dont recognize it by the name acrylic go to home depot and ask them where there plexi glass is theyll point you in the right direction.
i have already went to home depot the biggest thing they had was 2foot by 2foot
in thst case your best bet is to look up a glass repair shop I've never had to go to far because my dad owns a glass company so he can order custom sizes of glass to your size and thickness they can also do that for you.
so the only why to get that size of 1/32 thick acrylic is to custom order it
hmm well for the specific sixes you want you might just have to go to a glass company.
why do you need it so thin?

it may not come in larger sheets as it would be incredibly difficult to manage without cracking
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