A good reason not to yell at your neighbors

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 25, 2004
So some of you may remember that I have neighbors with very LOUD dogs. (We haven't had any problems lately) A few months ago, when the puppy would not stop barking, I went out and yelled at my neighbor, saying that my husband slept during the day, and her dogs never shut up, and if she were a good pet owner and actually paid attention to her animals, they wouldn't bark.
I even called animal control one day, and they went over and spoke to her.
WELL, today my husband and I went to go and get registration papers from the elementary school for my daughter. We were talking to the lady at the desk finding out about the open house and the teachers and what not, and she asked where we live. We told her, and she said "oh my gosh, IM YOUR NEIGHBOR. The one with the loud dogs" :oops: :oops: :oops: I nearly fell on the floor. You would think I would have recognized her, but I have never seen her up close. Just over the fence. SO, I introduced my husband and we all shook hands. I found out she put one of those collars on the puppy to stop it from barking, but I was SO embarrassed.
I will never, ever yell at anyone again! The thing that kills me is she was totally nice. Although I don't know if she was being nice because she was at work and she had to, or if all this dog business is under the bridge. I was thinking of maybe going and buying one of those big buckets of doggie treats and tieing a big red bow around it and leaving it on her porch. I am still sick to my stomach. I feel horrible.
it'll be alright. the doggy treats are a nice gesture :) it was your right to say something about her dog's excessive barking so if she has something against you then it's her problem, not yours. if you're generally nice to everyone then there's nothing to worry about :wink:
I think we have all had something similar happen at one point or another. It's called "foot in mouth desiese". :lol:

That would be a nice jesture on your part. I can tell you taht I have been there an done that.

Here's my little story:

One day I was shopping for a softball glove. I went into a local place and was browsing around. There selection and pricing was very bad. There was a guy standing next to me and I proceeded to tell him that the selection was bad here and that he could go over to sports authority and get it cheaper. The guy looks at me and says "I am the owner of this store."

I apologized and left in a hurry never to return again. :oops: :oops: :oops:
Don't feel bad Meredith. At the time she was not being a throughtful neighbor and she needed to be yelled at to get the point across. Our neighor has at least 40 stray dogs. And thats a low ballpark figure. Their yard is fenced with chicken wire and these dogs have never had shots, they are full of diseases and the owners don't even name them. They are all named Brownie (true story, not joking in the slightest, I'd post a pic of their house if I had one) so they just walk outside and scream BROWNIE! My dad had been bit several times beacuse they come on our property. Animal control was called many times. So finally one day, their biggest dog came running after my dad so he pulled out a pellet gun and shot the dog. It didn't really hurt the dog, just scared him away and stunned him for a couple days. The alternative, being attacked by a big burly disease infected dog. The neighbors may be nice people, but they are starting to learn to get rid of the dogs and keep them in their yard. To date, my dad has had to shoot at about 20 to 25 of them. Never killing them, but just defending himself. And you have a right to peace and quiet.
Fishyfanatic said:
Our neighor has at least 40 stray dogs. ...fenced with chicken wire....full of diseases....They are all named Brownie (true story...) so they just walk outside and scream BROWNIE!....been bit several times beacuse they come on our property....shot the dog....being attacked by a big burly disease infected dog.....shoot at about 20 to 25 of them......you have a right to peace and quiet.

Ah, Illinois....sounds like Shangri-La....or maybe rural Alabama. :roll:
Isn't that the worst feeling ever!

My mom was telling me one time she was taking me to Mothers Day Out (its a once a week day care like thing that is apart of the church run by older ladies)... and this lady cut her off... so my mom kinda, flipped her off... and they both pulled into the the Church parking lot, she was mortified!

I think doggie treats would be a good idea *nod*
Looks like you both handled the awkward situation well, and now that her neighbor is not so anonymous I'll bet she'll take better care of her animals.
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