Alzheimers EYE test

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>Count every " F" in the following text:

how many did you find?

There is 6 yes 6 go back and read it again.

Did you find them all?

Amazingly enought the human brain cannot process the word " of " now read it again. Did yu find them all now.
Is that not cool?
I actually saw this years and years ago in a seminar at work and got all six the first time. The majority of people do not see the "F"s in the OFs as you stated. It's a fun little test.
Ok here's one for you can you read this 99% of all people will be able to:

I thought this was interesting.

Olny srmat poelpe can.

cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
Will have to admit the F-challange got me, however I was alke to raed the mssed up wirttnig on the lsat psot. Guess someone's going to have to dig out a menza mind calender now! :lol:
I love these kinds of things!

Why is it that the brain can make sense of disordered words, but can't keep track of the simple work like "of"??????????

I don't think that we will ever really understand how the brain works!
the first time no, i could only find four.
i sat there for like 10 minutes trying i thought i was just stupid. or it was a joke.
i have horrible eyes. so i thought that was just my eyes . lol.
the second was easy as i usually have to read really horrible spelling lol.
LOL Ok now here's something to thank on " 85% of all collage grads don't remenber what they read the frist time and have to read it over twice before they remenber it But 95% of dislexis people remenber everything they read the frist time. Now it's not because there smarter. studys shows that they can read missed spelled,messed up words like above better then most.
But then on the other hand 95% of collage students can't remenber colors of pool balls or ballards ball 10mins after they look at them. But 75% of dislexis people can remenber the colors 3 days after looking at them. But 100% of either persons can't match the numbers with the right colors. Here's why all our lifes we have been told "Color doesn't matter " So are brains can't put numbers with colors.
But a chimp can a chimp can match the number with the color every single time, So does that mean that they process numbers or colors better then us or is it they remenber better then us.
Ok now here's the kicker on the reading study done. All of reading was from a 8th grade english book.
Wow, that eye test thing is kinda freaky. I think I'm going to go try it on some people.
I don't think it will ever work again even with different sentances since I'd know to remember to look at the of's.
I thought so to but one to two days after taking the eye test. I tryed something simalair to it and it did it to me again. So yes it will work on you again. Just thank of it as a reminder to stop and look at what's going on around you. LOL
Andos99 said:
Paris in the
the spring time.

Did you notice "the" was in there twice?

I actually did. I have seen something similar to that before though and only realized the first "the" at the time.
The frist time I did that I didn't but a ladied showed me the wy to trainyour brain to pick up on the little stuff with out missing stuff.
Actually the best way to find all of the Fs in the first post is to scan it backwards. Probably because then you are trying to process the text as words.
yea that would work. I just never thank about it til it's to late> LOL
hehe i got 4 lol,
But 95% of dislexis people remenber everything they read the frist time.
yay im dyslexic, lol but my only problem i spelling, not reading etc, i have to say i am a A* student my lowest grade i have ever got is a C, hehe im not bragging im just proud of my self, as English is my second language ( i now live in the uk aged 16) and it was hard to learn, i was predicted a E grade for my english gcse and from hard work i got a B+ now im babbling on, great little test Weasel F. Btw Andos99 i did see the "the" yay lol
wow, that of thing got me bad lol. Even after i read the post i could still only find 5 of them, it took me like six tries to actually count all of them.
I guess that makes me really smart :p lol.
If you read it out loud while looking for and couting the
F' you don't miss them the way many do when counting them silently.
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