Anyone Care to Comment about this Saltwater tank?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Sep 19, 2012
The Tabletop Saltwater Aquarium - Hammacher Schlemmer


This is a three gallon saltwater tank. It says it's easy to clean and maintain and has great filtration. They recommend Yellow Tail Damselfish!!! Are they not suppose to be at least in a 29 gallon tank??

Also would ANY saltwater fish fit in this? After putting in three pounds of live rock and some sand, it wouldn't be that much swimming room. I like the idea, but just don't know about it.
Different strokes for different folks :whistle: While a saltwater tank of that size seems like the worst idea in history, I'm sure someone with enough time could make it work. Off the top of my head I'd say with saltwater- a very small live rock cave and maybe a snail or small hermit crab, brine shrimp, lol. Freshwater- cherry or ghost shrimp, a single betta, if not completely filled you could use it for fiddler crabs. You would have to do water changes at least once a day, and much like any other nano environment micro management is key.

I am very appalled that the advertiser did not put a caution on it that it shouldn't be a beginners showcase.

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