barbara walters rant

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Its just absurd that someone as well educated and professional as Barbera would condemn something as natural as breastfeeding. She only stated that it creeped her out.
First off, I don't consider her to be professional at all. She's a hack to begin with. A hack with friends in high places, but a hack none the less. Second off, she initially said that she was offended that a lady breastfed her baby next to her on an airplane. After she realized that she said that on national tv and her statements offended quite a few people, she issued a "correction" stating that she didn't say that she was offended by it, but a man she was with was offended by it. The Jimmy Kimmel show played both clips one after another. First the one where she claimed that she didn't say that she was offended by it followed by the one where she cleary states that she was. In a word, Busted!
I think there are FAR MANY MORE things that go on in the world and on TV that we see that are FAR MORE "offensive" than public breastfeeding. Hey the little one has to eat, and if it's time to eat, it's time to eat! :D

I agree I would much rather see someone breastfeeding than to see someones BUTT hanging out!! :p
revhtree said:
I agree I would much rather see someone breastfeeding than to see someones BUTT hanging out!! :p

Straight from a servant of the Lord....take that Barbara! LOL
I never take anything barbara walters says seriously, shes an uptight liberal whiner. For her being so much of the left winger she is, I'm really shocked she said she was offended by breastfeeding in public, a womans right issue. So I guess she isn't offended by someone getting knocked up and having a fetus vacumed out, but breastfeeding in public!?!?! Those women should be shot!!! :roll:
Ya know, I think I have seen that before... Very powerful commercial...
I like the fact that they let him keep eating, and give all the lovely sounds BEFORE they give the tag line... Long enough to make you say Why in the world would he want to eat in there???!!!
I don't care if women breast feed in public but, it's not something I did. I believe it should be a choice and to each their own. But, there are ways of avoiding the hassle of having to drop top to feed. I used a breast pump if I knew I had to go away and would be gone for hours. This and an insulated bag to keep the bottles warm. It also gave me some freedom to go shopping or what not, and gave dad bonding time with the baby. Just another option but the pump isn't for everyone. Breast milk is positively the best thing for babies. Those who are offended really need to get a life.
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