How to loose weight.

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Steven A

Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 27, 2005
I would like to loose some weight on my belly lol. :oops:

Whats the best way to do this and the quickest.

Please reply a.s.a.p. As I wanna begin lol
I think the thing I need to do the most is excercise. What can i do in the comfort of my own home ?

I am not wanting a six pack or anything like that just to loose weight.
If you are the type of person that needs guidelines and rules, then I suggest the South Beach diet

It is extremly healthy, and its more of a way of eating/lifestyle than a diet

And if you do it right, it doesn't feel like a diet at all!
At home try Sit-up, crunches, fluter kicks, and walking/running.

If you are looking for a plan check out Weight watchers, it is not just for women. I lost 6lbs a week for the first three weeks and then a total of 35lbs over 4 months and kept it off. Men actually tend to do better as far as loosing weight quickly.

There web sight is www.weight

If you like it I strongly suggest finding a location and going to the meeting at least to get going for the first several months. Yeah it is like $10/week, but how much have we all spent on fad diets that we do not stick to. Weight watchers is healthy and very doable. The biggest thing is you can eat normal food, no need to buy special powders drinks etc.

Good luck,
Exercise, eat healthier, consume more water, and don't drink. That's the basics. Exercise everyday either through walking swiftly, jogging, running, stairstepping etc for about 20 to 30 minutes. Eat veg's, fruits, limit meat quantities, nothing fried. Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water per day. And try to eliminate alcohol.
Yeah, water is a good tip. 6-8 glasses is a good start, but try to drink half your weight in onces of water a day. For some of us that is a lot of water, but it really helps.
I actually drink my weight in ounces. :D Not to lose weight, but just because it's the only thing I crave. It helps with the oils that you body produces.
eat less calories. do lots of cardio. You can do situps till the cows come home and get really toned stomach muscles that are still covered in fat if you don't eat less and do lots of cardio!
Eat better (not necessarily less), drink lots of water (the average person's thirt-response is so weak that it is usually mistaken for hunger), and excercise more.

Look at your diet...chances are you eat far more fat and meat (and sugars) than you need and far less in the way of vegetables.

You should be drinking those suggested ten 8oz glasses of water daily.

Exercise does not nescessatily denote going to a gym (although it is certainly helpful) would be surprised at what a daily brisk walk of 1 hr can accomplish.
Sometimes its hard for people to just "eat healthy" because they might think they are eating healthy, but there are better choices that can be made

Ive heard weight watchers does wonders, but being on the south beach diet, and seeing numerous, amazing success stories from it as well.. I would recommend it to anyone.. because it puts guidelines on eating healthy with out counting anything
lyquidphyre said:
but being on the south beach diet, and seeing numerous, amazing success stories from it as well.. I would recommend it to anyone.. because it puts guidelines on eating healthy with out counting anything
I've only known a couple of people to use that one. One person had success and the other got really painful gas to the point of having to get off the diet. That being said, different foods react differently with different people. For some people, guidelines are necessary as it gives them less control over what they can eat (you have to stick to the plan). Bottom line comes down to the amount of calories you are taking in, and the source of those calories.
On the drinking water, drink when you are thirsty. Drink when you think you might be thirsty, but don't set a limit. Drinking too much for you is bad.

The old ten (or 8 or whatever) glasses a day is a misquote. The study they took that from found the body needs to consume that amount of water per day, but a significant part of your body's water actually comes from food. A later study has found that by the time the body has any real noticeable lack of water the person is already thirsty.

So setting a limit of so many ounces of water a day can be bad. But make sure you drink when you are thirsty. (does that make sense?)

My advice? Hit the gym. Do rowing sprints. Row 200 metres in less than 45 seconds (the time per 500m should not go above 1:50). Then rest for 45 seconds. Then row again. Aim to do 10 of these. You'll soon see a difference (and it is a fantastic low-impact cardio workout). you can program this into rowing machines real easy.

If you can't get to the gym then do some sit-ups, crunches, press-ups and try to walk faster than you do normally. And watch the food. Skinless chicken breast is good as it has next to no fat and a good amount of protein (turkey breast is better). Substitute snack food (chocolate and crisps) for fruit.


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