This is sad :(

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I appreciate and respect your view point although I do not agree with your rationalization. Bottom line as we both agreed it starts with changing one's self.
I'm sorry, but I just want to clear one thing up mentioned earlier about the slaughter of cattle. I'm not necessarily for or against anything here, just stating what I know.
I have several family members (in my extended family) that work in meat works. When the cattle are killed with the bolt gun they die instantly. The bolt fractures the skull and courses a massive brain trauma making the beast brain dead. All this happens within a split second and the animal is not aware of what is happening. When they are bled out they can not feel a thing, they are already dead.
As I have already said, just telling what I know of the process.
I personally think that we as humans are programmed to eat meat and it's an important part of our diet. But I also believe its our duty to kill animals with respect and care. Native Americans never wasted ANY part of a kill. They utilized everything they could. These days hunting and fishing are very irresponsible. I was watching a show on CNN a few nights ago about shark fishing competitions in Maine where people would literally go out and kill huge sharks and bring the back for a cash prize then toss the corpse. There are also people that catch sharks and cut off there fins to make purses and leathers and toss the shark(still alive) finless back into the ocean. Bottom line: I think we should still hunt/fish but more responsibly than we are right now. And I just don't understand vegetarians that say eating animals is wrong. Because humans have been doing it for thousand of years right?

I have heard of people cutting the fins off too and putting them back in the ocean, it is terrible, I don't know how people can do that.
redsea said:
I have heard of people cutting the fins off too and putting them back in the ocean, it is terrible, I don't know how people can do that.

i've seen this on tv.. they use almost nothing of the shark, its disgusting. we are ruining this planet big time between our species of animals & our natural resources. china is the WORST when it comes to animal abuse.

i've seen a show exposing chinas animal practices & its HORRIBLE!! they have black bears chained to a stake & fitted with GIANT metal catheders that resemble a barrel around their bellies. they do this to extract the bear's bial (spelling?) from the stomach cuz they STILL think that their crazy ancient nonsense works & western medicine hasnt disproved them cuz its so stupid it isnt worth the time, not that they would listen anyway.

also, their resturants have giant tubs with thousands of turtles piled onto eachother just waiting to be made into soup.

not to mention, china has 16 of the top 20 most polluted cities in the world. however, LA is one of the other 4 lol
Very true Ronnie, as said these people will do it anyway, they wouldn't listen to any of us who care.
Very true Ronnie, as said these people will do it anyway, they wouldn't listen to any of us who care.
I agree. That of course does not mean that I personally will not do my part to stop these practices (like boycotting some products). I will never eat shark-fin soup and I never eat foreign imported meat. Just my personal choice.

I am going to add that even though many of us in developed countries see animal rights as an obvious thing, it is certainly not universally felt. And that makes me very sad, but I got a degree to help do my part in conservation of species for the future, and thats the best I personally can do.
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