Worst fish purchase you've ever made

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 4, 2013
What is the worst fish purchase you've ever made? Mine was getting a Common Pleco for a small 10 gallon tank.
Hah you are going to kill me for this :hide:

10 gallon tank
1 black moor goldfish
8 White Cloud Mountain minnows
1 apple snail
8 ghost shrimp
1 bn pleco
I also had an Oranda and ryukin before they died
I did not know anything about fish so:/
I've had a few and YES I have learned by now.
Growing up, we had a goldfish in a bowl, it lived 7-8 years.
5 gallon bow front, 1st stocked with 5 cardinal tetras and 2 green Cory cats. After everybody passed away, restocked with 2 male mollies, these didn't last long either:( Got smarter and stocked same tank with a female betta, 2 ottos and a blue mystery snail. This combo somehow worked for months w/o water changes and not testing the water.
More recently, I had my 10 gallon with a small breeding group of blueberry shrimp who cost $10 a shrimp and weren't 1/4 inch long, so kinda pricey. I had added a male betta and he proceeded to hunt down about $80 worth of shrimp.
Ok I'll say the others peacock 2 auratus kenyi with community fish!!
Wasn't a purchase, but I rescued some large silver dollars and put them in a planted tank. Needless to say, it was not planted after a few days...
When I was maybe 13 I had like 8 goldfish in a 10 gallon. Fancies, but still a terrible idea. I feel so bad looking back on that tank now, but I was young, didn't have Internet access, and no one told me anything when I bought them. And I thought hey, you can keep one in a gallon bowl, a 10 gallon will be fine! :facepalm:

They lived for a few years somehow. The last ones died off a few months before I left for boarding school for my jr year of high school.
When I was a kid, I put a medium sized pleco in my 29 gallon aquarium, already home to 12 tiger barbs. When I woke up in the morning, the only thing that was left of the pleco was the skull and spine.
Not really a bad purchase per se, but when I was really little, maybe 5 or 6, my dad ran a Cajun restaurant and we had crawfish shipped in regularly. Whenever he found a cool looking one he would give it to me, so at one point I had maybe 8 bowls and various containers with neat crays. White, purple, blue, you name it I had one. Eventually they all died off but one, and around the same time I got a goldfish at a carnival and we had it in a bowl. One day when I was at school my mom decided to consolidate the bowls, thinking the goldfish would be safe because it was almost as big as the cray... We came home to find the cray munching on the goldfish like a sandwich. I wasn't so much sad as angry at my mom - we got feeder fish weekly to feed the crawfish!
When I was in my late teens my boyfriend at the time and I got two oscars in a 25-30g tank. Only filtration was an air driven undergravel filter. Water changes done once every 2-3 months. Fish got massive and attacked each other. Gave one away and the other lived another year in the small tank. Died of bloat (and countless other things). The fish was nearly a foot long :/ A few years back got my daughter an 8g stocked with 6 guppies, 3 glass cats, 2 bristlenose plecos and a betta. :hide: Then I found AA!
Mine is a semi recent purchase. A Clown Loach. Guy at the LFS sold it to me cause I was worried about snails. Got home, THEN did research. Yeah.

He is still very small and is happy for now in my 55g. But I know he will need to be rehomed. And I know he would like some friends.

On the plus side, I don't have snails.
I bought 10 dif. Tropicals went home and put them in my untested non cycled 2 day old 10 gallon. They last 1 hour....lmao

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