Changing a bulb?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 3, 2009
Hello All,
I am purchasing the used light texture (Coralife Compact Florescent Light 24") designed for the saltwater tank having 10k and actinic bulbs. I would like to use it for my 40 gallon freshwater tank. My question is, first, if I can replace the actinic bulb to 6700k bulb and there is no problem structure wise, heat issue and so on. Secondly, if there is no problem to replace the bulb, is it okay to use 10k and 6700k, or should I replace both bulbs to 6700K? Thank you very much for your time in advance. Any suggestion will be appreciative.
You should be able to swap out the bulbs without problems. The 10000K would be OK for plants. If it is not too old <older bulbs put out less light & the spectrum drifts>, you can keep using it with the Daylight bulb.
Thank you

Thank you very much for your prompt reply! Just wanted to make sure - is that okay to use only 10,000k bulb and leave another socket empty? Also, is that okay to use both 10,000k bulb and 6,700k using two sockets? Thanks again.
Yea, you should be able to do that...why wouldnt you be able to change the bulb...
Thank you

Right, we should be able to replace bulbs, but I just wanted to make sure if there is no heat problem - thank you all for solving my ignorant question!
Nope, you'll be fine in either configuration (1 10000K or the 10k and the 6700k).

What kind of tank are you running? I'd worry about putting too much light on it if you opt to run both bulbs.

Hello neilanh. Thank you for your consideration. I have a 40 tall (34x12x23) tank. I was told in the local store that my foreground plants (microsword, hairgrass, etc.) do not grow well due to lack of light. Since the tank has a depth, I thought 130w is good, but too much do you think?
Thank you

Also, thank you for your notice, ezy33. I will be careful choosing the bulb!
Ok, I didn't know if this was planted or not, so that helps.

Foreground plants do need lots of light, but when you get into that lighting range you're considering here, you need more than just lights. CO2 and ferts are something you'll need to consider if you put 130W of light on that tank.

Thank you, neilanh
I should have described more about the tank setting before . . . sorry . . . I understood for other factors important for growing plants. I already got the ferts, but will do more research on CO2 issue. Again, thank you for your kindness!
is that okay to use only 10,000k bulb and leave another socket empty?...

It depends on how the lamp is wired up. If wired in series, you will need to have both bulbs plugged in for it to light. <In those lamps, both bulbs will be dark even if only one is burnt out.>

If your lamp will not light with an empty socket and you want to run lower light, you can put that actinic back in. Plants don't "see" the actinic, so it won't count as extra light. However, from the sounds of it, you will need to run both lamps to get your foreground plants growing. <And as others had pointed out, you will need to consider CO2 & ferts at that light level.>
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