Co2 setup "?"

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 6, 2012
Lake Charles, La
O I want to setup a small co2 for my java ferns cause lets just admit it, live plants are addictive. And I saw a Aqua Medic CO2 Reactor 100 online and want to know what goes on the other end, I have a 10g but want to soon upgrade to a 29-37g
You could get the Aqua Medic (Red Sea) Pro 500 kit to have a complete CO2 setup. I have the one that uses paintball canisters and it's been running constantly since 2008. There are much cheaper systems though. Check Amazon for the Milwaukee CO2 kit. It's an incredible deal.
I wouldn't worry too much about CO2 for Java Fern.

Live plants are super addictive! I think I actually may enjoy them more than fish now!!
Hy I have a question, I keep looking at picks of ppl that have their swords and such plants buried in the substrate but I just got an Anubis and I was told to tie the resum to a small rock to keep it down but not bury it, was I miss informed?
Annubias are a deferent species than swords. Do not bury your annubias as the rhizomes are not meant to be kept under gravel.
You can plant me in the substrate, but only the roots. There will be a thick growth right before the roots, that's the rhizome, keep that above the substrate :)
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