DIY Plant Tabs

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 28, 2003
Texas USA
Has anyone ever done this? If so could you tell me how to make them? In the LFS I find some, but they cost about 9 dollars for like 10. Don't want to spend that much and want to go a cheaper way.
Yea, like those tabs you put into the gravel to give nutrients to plants that take lots of nutrients through their roots.
I make them. You need an inert clay powder, and either Plantex CSM, or PMDD pre-mixed powder.

My best suggestion is to get the tab making kit from which has the ingredients, instructions, and soem basic tools to get you started.
I don't really want to spend $30 + Shipping. Does anybody know where I can get the ingredients beside online?
well, use that website and write down their description of the clay powder. Plantex CSM will be reasonbly easy to find online, but locally...I'm not so sure.
A pound of CSM would run about $12. A pound of that clay powder is probably a $1.
And that'd probably make 300-500 root tabs.
I'd search online to find the types of stores that sell the powder, then try to find a similar local store. But you may have little luck. In my small city of 250,000, I can't get stuff locally.
The garden centers/nursuries here didn't know what potassium nitrate was, so of course they didn't carry it. plantex CSM is even more 'specialized' I think.
So the ingredients needed is Plantex CSM and the clay powder? What is the clay powder called?
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