Growing Java Ferns from seeds! If you have questions ask them here!

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 18, 2014
Toronto, Canada
I have tried growing java ferns from seeds - success! If you can find some black/brown spots on the back of the leaves, these are pouches of seeds (all land/aqua ferns have these). So I took the ferns out and dried them with a paper towel or if you have many leaves you can just trim the biggest (if it has seeds of course!) than using a butter knife (with out the wedges that cut) scrape the spots of and place them in one spot of a sheet of paper. Use dry paper as it will be easier to pick them up later. Than taking the net pots and the wool (from the store where you buy plants) wet the wool and place the seeds on the wool. Then put two chopsticks through the second top row of holes (so the pot will float). Than place these pots in the water preferably closer to the light. And wait until the plants grow. When they grow larger move the chopsticks to the top row. When they are too large, tie them to a rock or drift wood. You could reuse the wool and pots later
You can just let them grow off the mother leaf.. Easy, they just grow and you pluck them off..
If you buy other aquarium ferns like peacock fern you just cut the leaf off dry it and let them sit on the paper, the seeds will fall of

The problem with growing the plantlings of the mother leaf is that my algae eaters like to eat the seeds
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