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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 10, 2003
I know you guys are probably sick of questions like this but I need some help from people who have knowledge. I have a 55 gallon tank with 120 watts of lighting that is designed for plant growth and fluorite red gravel.

Im trying to have a south american biotope. I have two plans, one is go with small plants in the foreground and plant alot of floating plants or two
have a background plant take over the back portion of the tank.

The problem with number one is I think the floating plants would block the light the plants underneath would need and the problem with plan number two is that I cant find a suitable plant for the background. Anacharis was banned in CT so I cant get it anymore in MA bc all the stores get anacharis from CT. Amazon Swords do horrible in my tank. I was looking at Jungle Valls but I hear they grow to be like 5 ft long and would just make my tank look horrible.

Does anyone have some suggestions on what do or what species of plant I can take a look at considering my lighting? TIA :?
Water Wisteria (hygrophylia diformis sp?) can make a good space filler and should grow in your tank.
Forget the floaters, your light blocking theory is correct, and all you'll be looking at are tons of roots hanging down from the floaters.

There are many varieties of sword plants, I wouldn't give up on that option if I were you. You'd want to go with one of the shorter, more compact varieties.

check out plantgeek for species options.
Hygrophila difformis would be a good choice for filler. It's fairly undemanding and you have enough light to grow it. Vals would be alright, but they might look too flat across the entire back wall.
Try corkscrew valisneria...they don't get so tall, and should be ok under that lighting.

For swords, try to find a true 'compacta' sword. I have a few, and they only get about a foot across in diameter/height. They also do well under moderate lighting.
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