I'm giving away free plants again!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 17, 2004
I want to give it away for free, however if you have some glossostigma or riccia to trade for it, then that would be even better. I'm giving away 7 plants of jungle vals, 4 plants of italian vals, and about 20 stems of cabomba. First come first serve. I'm tired of these plants. I'm trying to grow a carpet of glossostigms and riccia right now. The riccia is growing pretty good, but it's a very tiny portion, that's why i'm asking to trade for some more riccia. I have some glossostigma, but I only have a few stems and the stems are not growing, and I have algae problem, so it's not growing at all. So frustrating!
Oh, I would love to have some of those! I'm getting ready to plant a mature tank for the first time. Too bad I don't have one of those machines from Star Trek. I'd be right over! lol


With regards to the glosso, did you try cutting the runners and planting them individually? I haven't tried it yet, but it seems that of all the literature I've read, that seems to be the quickest and best way to grow a carpet of them.

Good luck. :fadein:
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