Java moss?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 10, 2003
I just received a little baseball size clump of Java Moss. Now what am I supposed to do with it? I mean like, do I stick it in the gravel? or do I place it on some kind of ornament in the tank? I got it for the fry to hide in, but they are growing so fast, they don't really require it now... but i would still like to put it in the tank. Any suggestions?
Just stick it in, it will stay in the ball at the bottom. Thats what i do. I love java moss, its great! And fry love it to

Break it up gently so that its identifable as to what is the bottom of the moss and what is teh top. Tie it with cotton thread to a piece of bogwood or rocks. If your doing it to rocks a better idea would be using a nylon hair net. It prefers cool conditions(72-77 degrees) with Co2 injection, light doesnt matter... it will even grow in the dark.
So, what color is it supposed to be? I thought it was green, but the clump I got is brown. Is it dead already? or will it revive itself?
I had some Java Moss in my tank with my catfish, and they made a mess of it, and it turned brown. Shortly after thought most of it just got sucked up into my filter.

Once it turns brown and starts to fall away from the ball it is pretty much hopeless. :(

Jen :multi:

Then again.....some did survive attached to a piece of driftwood that I had.
Are there any green parts left?
No green at all. So, it is just dead.
What a bummer. I got it off ebay (the only place I could find it). I guess the guy took to long to ship it in this heat, or it was brown when he sent it. What a waste of $7.50!!
Sorry... that's sad! I would always go with overnight shipping on internet-ordered items.

Have you told him? You should be entitled to a refund, esp. if he is a big retailer, or really cares about his Ebay rating. Anyway, most people ship with cool packs. If he didn't, he may have been pretty negligent... If you haven't rated him yet, you always have some room to negotiate :twisted: (thought that could be quite mean, depending on how you do it).
I had already gave him good feedback. I didn't know what color it was supossed to be. I had never seen it. then I saw a pic on and realized it was green... DUH!!!
Oh, well. the fry still seemed to like it, even though it was brown. I guess I better throw it away.
Does anyone know where else to get it???
Arg. Too bad. You could still try the old-fashioned method of just asking him for your money back!? Might not be worth it for $7.50, though.

Yeah, I haven't encountered any places for Java Moss on the web... My mainstays and others don't have any.

Perhaps because it's hard to ship...

Sorry :(
Leave it to me, i see what i can do. I don't know what it will cost to send but i will find out.
I haven't any yet, but i am due to get some.
i have a ton of the stuff....will send you some if you pay shipping. I have never sent it overnight and it always arrived in fine shape...but it is your money, if you want to send it overnight...we can do that too. Just send me a pm.

Incidently, not all LFS carry it. It is too much of a pain for them to deal with.
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