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Aquarium Advice Activist
Sep 10, 2011
I am still some what new to planted tanks. I am studying and planning everything I need slowly. I am familiar with the differences between T8 and T5. But I am lost when it comes to LED. are they beneficial as far as color spectrum as far as plant growth? And brightness, are these considered bright? Any advice would be grateful for!?
Some of the new LEDs may work, but little testing has been done. I have the Archaea 45cm fixture over one of my 10g. So far it grows plants. My chain swords are pale, but I also needed to dose liquid ferts.

I will be testing with my Club's PAR meter soon.

I have good results with screw in Compact Fluorescents. 5500-6700K. My tanks are all under 10g.

Some of my club members are using CFLs to supplement LEDs.
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