Low light plants

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 29, 2005
Hello, I don't really have a planted tank since I have made a couple mistakes without much knowledge about caring for a planted tank. However, I think I want to start small first. I am confused with the whole DIY CO2 whatever you call it and all that other stuff. However, I heard that there are actually some plants out there that don't need much care or special lighting and stuff like that, like java moss. So I was wondering are there any other plants out there like java moss that I can add. All the lfs around me sell pretty much the same plants and the ppl who work there do not know much about them, they are usually sold as plants lacking any type of identification and like all the lfs have them and these plants always die quickly. So I was just wondering if someone here couple help me. Thanks.
I've been pretty successful with 1.1 wpg. I have the following plants:

Java Moss
Java Ferns (broad and narrow leaf)
Jungle Vals
Amazon Swords (broad and narrow leaf)
several varieties of crypts

I even have a garden of Ludwigia repens, which is actually a med-light plant.
Correct me if im wrong, and im sure someone will, but i think there are many plants that will grow in a low light set up that are listed as med light plants, they just might not grow as fast or as lush as they would under other conditions. you can always try them out, unless you are looking for plants that everyone knows will grow with just 1 wpg or less than 2 wpg. like jchillin, i have grown a few plants under less than ideal conditions, though they didnt grow lushly, or very large.
Ok found a list for you of low light plants. its at plantgeek.com look under plants, and then click low light plants and you get about 45 or so plants they list as low light plants. they have a pretty good list of lowlight med light and high light plants there. hope that will help you out.
Thank you, you guys have been really helpful. However, I still have one question. Do these low-light plants still need a CO2 cannister thaning or no. I know I have Amazon Swords and they are thriving,but there are brown spots on them, so I am assuming because of a lack of CO2, but I dunno. So do these low light plants really need it, if not, them I am going to get a bunch.
A. Reineckii is a red plant that does well in low light setups and still keep its redness. Just a thought If you want some color. You may also try tiger lotus.
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