Plant pics

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Nov 4, 2004
New York, NY (The Big Apple)
A recent conversation with a fellow member of the forum suggested that I post some more closeups of my plants to illustrate the possibilities in a low-light tank, so here we go:

Ludwigia brevipes:

Someone said this was dwarf sag:


Java fern:

Crypt wendtii and baby Ludwigia repens:

L. Brevipes:

L. repens forest surrounded by sunset hygro:
Beautiful. I especially love the pic of the Java Fern. Definately healthy plants.
You're my inspiration !!!! I love that first photo; I could just get lost in it. And your java fern - wow - mine look so sickly now LOL
Those are some nice shots. I don't rememebr seeing all those rams in your tank...did they breed or something? ;-)
L brevipes, some of that is growing in my tank and was not sure what it was. thanks for id'ing the plants in the pics. I was way off base on what I thought it was.
Great pics, nice healthy plants. Why am I bothering with high light! I tried L. brevipes in my tank, it melted in a week. Great shots, very inspiring.
Beautiful photos, can you please give me your tank specs, I'd love to know how much light your using to grow these plants. I have just under 2 wpg on my 29 gallon and I'm having a hard time growing a lot of plants.

Also, what ferts are you using and how often do you dose them? I am so jealous!
LindaC: Tank is 75gal. Lighting is @ 1.5 wpg, powered by 110w CF.

I do use ferts but I think it's a combo of both natural and supplements. I use Flourish root tabs under all the heavy root feeders. I was previously dosing Flourish Potassium and Flourish Nitrogen. I dosed 2ml every other day of both.

I switched to Greg's dry ferts about two weeks ago. I made a solution for the KNO3 and dose @1-2ml each day. I don't test nitrate levels since I already know that I have <5ppm normally.

Why do I say natural? I have a fairly decent sized bio-load, which includes 9 Rams, 6 tetras, 7 BN's, 3 corydoras, 2 Angels and a 9" Sailfin Pleco. There are a ton of ramshorns and malaysian trumpet snails in there as well. That combined with the feeding of different foods (almost in excess) is a factor IMO.

The only other factor is I change the water (40-50%) every two weeks.
Great pics! I have L. brevipes too, it's growing rather quickly but on one stem the leaves are all curled up....I'm guessing a deficiency of some sort but can't figure out which one.

All of your plants look great, and the fishies look happy too!
Jchillin, I can't believe that your plants are growing so well with only 1.5 wpg. Your sunset hygro looks fantastic and stargrass, it never grows well for me and I have more light. I was always under the impression that it needed high light to grow well. Just goes to show you that's not really true then.
I'm jealous of your plants! Especially the Stargrass. I have it under ~2.3wpg in my 29g and it looks terrible! I guess I should fertilize regularly...might help I

The plants look great!
LindaC said:
I was always under the impression that it needed high light to grow well. Just goes to show you that's not really true then.

In that case, I should provide a little history. When I started the tank, I was also "under the impression" that certain plants would not do well under 2wpg. I then decided to give almost every "high/difficult" plant a chance to run around in my tank.

I have found over the past couple of years that some will be fine, some will not do so well and others won't do at all. I'll probably give a list at some future date (there are some others I haven't tried yet).

What impresses me more than anything is that most if not all have sprouted new growth and I was able to propagate the new ones. That is satisfying beyond measure.
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