Will they return?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 10, 2012
Georgia Mountains, in the good old USA
I got some beautiful vals (20 inch long!) the other day. I planted them, use Total tabs for fertilizer, liquid C02 and have no plant eating fish. All of my other plants are fine! I am just heartbroken. I want to cut of the melted leaves because they are really making my tank a funny color and cloudy. If I trim them down, will they grow back?
I got some beautiful vals (20 inch long!) the other day. I planted them, use Total tabs for fertilizer, liquid C02 and have no plant eating fish. All of my other plants are fine! I am just heartbroken. I want to cut of the melted leaves because they are really making my tank a funny color and cloudy. If I trim them down, will they grow back?

Just leave them be. Gals typically melt when introduced into a new environment they should get better in a week or two.
Vals are one of the plants that sometimes do not take well to liquid carbon supplements too, especially if your daisy dousing is kinda high.
I don't think vals can be cut, it will harm the overall plant. Hopefully, someone will confirm.
Yes, the vals will melt when liquid carbon is used and they MAY melt when moved. You should not cut them like stems, they will not regrow from where you cut them. If anything break them off at the base and new ones will grow. If they don't look too bad I would just let it go.
While it seems many types of Vals melt when using liquid carbon I have never had that problem with Corkscrew Vals and liquid carbon. I've heard others say the same about their Corkscrew Val. And I dose one of the tanks it's in at a high dose of liquid carbon.
I should have clarified, my experience was with jungle vals. Interesting about corkscrews though. I eventually went pressurized in a different tank and they came back a bit. I didn't have them in for long before I switched to stems though.
I've heard Jungle Val is the most sensitive to liquid carbon but haven't a clue why Corkscrew Val doesn't seem bothered by it.
It seems to be hit or miss. I remember reading a very good explanation of it, but cannot find it again. From what I understand, the glut tends to melt non vascular plants, which is also why it is so good at killing algae.

I used it with jungle Val for a while and they did indeed melt, but sprung back maybe a week later. I think it depends on the dosage, tank, and many other variables as well...
At this time I have two good sized mounds of dead or deteriorating plant matter in the tank. It does make the tank yellow and not very attractive. Some breaks off, and I scoop it off the top as it floats. I don't dose the tank with CO2 but every other day. Thank you all for the input. I will just leave them be and give them a bit to see if it comes back!!
Honestly I would trim off the dead and decaying plant material as it is only adding excess dissolved organics to the water. If it's already dead trimming isn't going to affect the plant/roots if they happen to make a come back. I trim off any decaying plant leaves/stems on all my plants, including Vals.
FYI! I trimmed all of the dead leaves off at which time my tank really was looking yellowish, and within an hour, it was getting clear! I left the roots of the plants in there so we will see if the plants grow back. Thanks for all the feedback and advice!
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