Apisto Cacatuoides Profile

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 5, 2009
Wollongong, Australia
Hey everyone,
Now i know i have gotten a bit lazy on profiles (School) so i am going to be doing this one.

These fish are a beautiful Apisto, they have a deep red colour and is actually considered a beginner apisto too. Like a lot of cichlids the male and females are marked quite differenetly. These fish are quite common in fish stores.
To tell the difference between a male and a female is quite easy. A male normally has a very high dorsal fin and reaches around 3 inches in length. Males also have a strong Lyrate tail and extended ventral fins.
Females on the other hand are smaller than the males only reaching a length of around 2 inches. Their colours are a dusky or browny yellow colour but will perk up and become vibrant during breeding time.
This particular type of Apisto is found in the Upper Amazon Basin, they can be found in lakes, streams and ponds. They are found in both white and clear water environments and they dont thrive in black water conditions. This makes them easier to have in the home aquarium.
Apisto Cacatuoides was first introduced to home aquariums in 1950 under the name Apistogramma U2, they were mis identified as Apisto Borellii. They had this name until the 1980's where they were then properlly identified.

Habitat & Care
This type of Apisto is very easy to care for. Just have plenty of hiding spots and plants, also have caves and driftwood features so they can mark their territory.
Paraments are as follows
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0-40
Ph 6.0 - 8.0
Temperature 73 - 79*F

These fish will accept flake and pellets but thier diet should contain bloodworms and brine shrimp. Also mosquito larvea is good for them too. Beef heart will also be great accepted by them too.

So to finish this is one of the best Apisto cichlids out there and would defintily be on my shopping list :)
And now some pictures



Great info Jason.....
What about tank mates for the Apisto?
Can be added to a community tank?
Minimum size tank?

Thanks again.
Tank size would be a minium of 20gals
Community kind of fish.
Definitily be added to a community
And i dont normally do breeding unless you ask for it specially
Everything is this profile is correct except for what Jason said about breeding. Apisto Cacatuoides is a Harem breeder. 1 male 2 to 3 females depending on size of tank is preferred. 1 on 1 and the male will antagonize the female entirely too much and it could lead to problems.
I agree I have a male orange flash apisto and he has three girlfriends. I haven't had a problem yet
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