my new king Betta Tut.

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 15, 2011
Yesterday I was strolling though petco and they got in a shipment of the king bettas. I've been wanting one . So I picked one out then "hid" him since I had my dog and daughter in tow. I came home set up my 10 gal with heater/filter. Sand substrate. A couple homemade slate structures, fake plant and floating plant. I put some filter material from my already established tank.
I waited a few hours. Went and bought him. Waited a few more hours then started floating his cup in the tank. Got him in there and he did great overnight. He's been very adventurous.


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Here's a better pic


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He's very pretty! I love those slate things in there, too. Tank looks great.
It's my understanding that the king bettas have the shorter fins. But yes he does look like a female.
Showing off ;)


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Oh my goodness :eek: He looks exactly my female least I have been thinking she's a female :confused:

He's GORGEOUS by the way ;)
Okay...after closer examination...not exactly like my betta...she doesn't have such a "big flare" when she goes at it....which is a trait difference between males and females. Flare size!!! :brows:
That's one great looking betta! Good find:). Somehow we all end up "looking" and end up with more tanks:whistle:
He's pretty stocky too. I'm sure it would make a difference if you could see a reference for his size.
That is a male Plakat aka short finned betta, I've never heard of them referred to as a "King betta". They are closely related to the wild bettas and are the type of fish you'd normally see people fighting.
I got him at petco and there they call them "king" bettas but yes also giant or plakat :) I'm so happy I found him
Plakats aren't necessarily giant though. That just refers to the short finned fighters. My boy is a plakat. Wish I could find a giant down here though.
I'm lucky I got him cause I live in Iowa and well there's nothing out here.
Pretty guy. I like the name too. :)
He does look nice and stocky. Thats better than the really skinny ones I often see. Great find.(y)
I've found dragon scaled plakats like mine, snow white plakats, half-moons, crowntails, but no giants. As someone on here said in another post, bettas are like pokemon, you gotta get them all, lol. Great find, though! Keep us updated on "king Tut".
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