New African Dwarf Frogs

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Dec 25, 2010
Well I got these guys on Saturday finally after wanting them for 5 months.. I couldn't find them anywhere but I got them from the lfs where I least expected them to be but I still checked.. The store knew nothing about them and just called them 'aquatic frogs' never the less I got two of them for £1.99 (3.2 dollars) each!! All the small kids and even some adults were tapping the tank constantly and the frogs had no where to hide, I just couldn't resist taking these little guys home with me... Although I did have to wait 50 minutes before someone served me!!

YouTube - African Dwarf Frogs
Yep, they're great fun, something different to fish :)
I've got 2 of my own too! Mine are fat heathly guys. I love so much! So fun to watch as they swim. Mine blow bubbles sometimes! ;)
I couldn't tell from the video, are their front feet webbed as well? It looked like it, but like I said, I couldn't be sure. ACF have webbed back feet only. They will eat anything their greedy little jaws can get to, including fish. I'm sure these are ADF, but I just wanted you to be sure, because thy are commonly mislabeled.

Courtesy of Dakota's iPod.
Yeah they are adfs, checked in the shop that they had webbed feet.. I feel so sorry for the people that mistake acfs for adfs :( mine are getting a rounder belly too and they haven't ate the baby snail that surprised me last night it must've been hiding with them because I only thought I had one and took the first out.
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