Swordtails and platys! (Pics!)

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Sep 18, 2011
Deep in the backwoods of PA. Seriously.
Was at That Fish Place today, and saw some swordtails and platy's. I thought they were so cool that I bought some. I have a 20 gallon tall set up in my living room right now so I figured what the heck! Replaced the gravel with flourite... Dang is that stuff messy! Running a sponge filter in it right now. I have the fish in my convict tank right now (they're bagged).

Sorry about the quality (Iphone)
Not sure, my be clarity of pics, but the first pics looks like a female gold-dust mollie
Yea he is pretty nice deep rich read, also like the hawain sowrdtail my sis had a girl of them
Awesome! I have had kept tons of platys over the years. Never kept swords though. BTW, the fish store guy was right, you have all platys'swords. NOT a gold dust mollie. The red velvet male is awesome! Good purchse.
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