Went to LFS

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Nov 28, 2011
US, Ga
I went to the LFS!! I got some fish!! Acei ,bumblebee cichlid and African dwarf frog!!! It was an okay experience nothing bad .
The frog is in my community tank and cichlids are in my Malawi tank! You both said that at the same time!
Mogurako said:
Watch those bumblebees they can be pretty nasty.

I will right now he is really small. He is smaller than the other but made a friend with the red zebra. I hope he doesn't get bullied though!
Mumma.of.two said:
With the parrots and platys? I don't think that's the best place for it to be honest.

Parrots are in a different tank that was near august. The frog is with zebra danios and platys.
Fishie said:
Parrots are in a different tank that was near august. The frog is with zebra danios and platys.

You will probably need to hand feed the frog in that tank. Make sure it has access to the surface. They can drown. Make sure it can't get stuck under anything.
It really should be in a smaller tank with some froggy friends.
Mumma.of.two said:
You will probably need to hand feed the frog in that tank. Make sure it has access to the surface. They can drown. Make sure it can't get stuck under anything.
It really should be in a smaller tank with some froggy friends.

Ok I will. I read about them and it said they are 100% aquatic and they can drown?? He does have access to top to go and breathe . I got a couple bowls but no other small tank for him :/
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