100 gallon Caribbean biotope stock list

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 2, 2011
I have a 100 gallon tank, been running for 2 years now, with a sergeant major damsel. Here's a possible stock list. Which ones would work together?

Sargassum trigger
Tobacco bass
Redspotted hawkfish
Bluehead wrasse
Blackbar soldierfish
Chestnut moray(if I can find one)
Red lip blenny
A 10" trigger gets to big for a 100 gallon tank?!?!? Also, I don't think 7" is a 'big wrasse'.
Blue Head Wrasse - Thalassoma bifasciatum
If this is the bluehead wrasse that you are looking for, they get over 7". I think you would be fine with him, they just swim alot. And yes, the trigger needs a 125. Sorry, I have wanted fish too big for my tank you just have to think about the fish when it cant even move. I wish you could get one, but they really need 6' tanks. FTMMWS will definitely agree. He loves triggers and believes 125 is needed for all triggers.
I think so I would just watch the aggression of the damsels. And eels will usually eat anything that moves and can fit in their mouth.
Ok, I'm probably not going to get the soldierfish or the Blenny. So the eels will get along?
I was also going to add a soldierfish to my tank but the feeding was an issue I believe. :) Great fish though
Oh I've kept soldiefish before, feeding isn't an issue, it's just that they're too docile for my tank.
Really? Everything I read said they can be difficult to start to feed. If thats the case i may try one, my tanks tend to be on the "happy" and not aggressive side. lol
Get a black bar soldierfish, that's what I got and IMO it's the hardiest and most beautiful.
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