blood shrimp with pistol shrimp?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Sep 8, 2008
I have 3 blood shrimp, and am considering getting a pistol shrimp along with a watchman goby for his side...

bad idea?
Are fire shrimp and blood shrimp the same? Mine look similar to skunk cleaners, except with spots instead of a stripe.

They get along fine, it's a 90g so there's plenty of room for them. They each keep to themselves, and if one of them crosses another's path (usually only happens during feeding time) they'll get chased away... never any actual fighting or anything.
I've had blood, skunks, and pistol in the same tank. As long as you got enuf room and don't overcrowd, all should be kool.

I see no problem with a pistol and cleaners. They live and hang out in totally different places anyway.

And yes fire and blood are the same.
Justin, if you are talking the same species (not sure if different scientific names are different) but in the hobby, yes they "should" be the same.
You can keep them in the same tank. The pistol will burrow under ALL of your rock and defend his home. He won't actively attack the fires, only warn them when they get too close. I have not seen fire shrimp go "under ground" but I wouldn't be surprised if they try to hide in the pistol's burrows....until the pistol finds out.
Thanks! I picked up a Randall's Pistol Shrimp the other day.. he disappeared right away. Now I'm just scared when I vaccuum the sandbed during water changes that I don't suck him up... :|

He's tiny though, especially compared to my pistols. He's around the length of a grain of rice. I'm hoping he pairs up with the Randall's Goby, who may ward off the blood shrimp just in case they get inquisitive... I find they rarely ever go on the sand bed, usually only during feeding time.
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