Clownfish behaviour

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Kinda need more info than that ie mouth breaking the surface or fish is constantly at the surface or not eating etc
Seems fine then. That's how the fish operates now. Might change might not. But someone may chime in. Do ur own research though remember Google is ur friend. Someone else may have posted on this very same topic elsewhere. Goodluck
Don't worry mine do that all the time. They often lie sideways almost breaking the surface. Funny things!
Clowns will be clowns. LOL I have one pair that do nothing but hang in the corner near the return and water surf back and forth all day. Another pair I have just linger near the surface all day and only come to midlevel at night. Otherwise that pair stays on different parts of the tank except to sleep.

they are wacky fish, and I love em!

As long as they are not at the surface gasping for air or looking ill I think you will be just fine.
Mine stay by the bottom of the right side of my tank by the PH and heater LOL they have 90 gallons to themselves and 3 chromis. I consider it lucky if I see them a foot out of their corner. I have to kinda target feed them.
It sounds normal to me nothing to worry about! One of my clownfish always sleeps sorta sideways at the top of the aquarium.
My pair started out hanging in a top back corner. Occasionally venturing to the end but never far from the surface. As I added more fish they started venturing out more. Now, they are in and out of the rocks and all over the tank.
Sounds like just a weak fish dying naturally or something but if it has ich it will have little white spots on it
I'm so sorry about your clown. :-(

Did you check your water parameters? Ammonia can cause redness around the gills....
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