Dead but alive rock

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 5, 2012
I have a piece of live rock that seems to be alive but dead at the same time. I say that because it used to have a plant growing off of it and the plant died but the rock has that like green and purple stuff on it so is it alive or dead I'm so confused
It depends, if the rock has been submerged in salt water the entire time then it's still considered live rock. If it was allowed to dry out or was placed into fresh water then its dead rock. Live / Dead means the bacteria inside it not anything living on it.
This is what it looks like it has branches but nothing on them I'm so confused on it


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Okay.... So stuff on it died. That's normal. That has no bearing on whether it's live or dead rock.
The term live rock has nothing to do with what is growing on it. The stick is probably gone. The rock as long as it has stayed in saltwater and has cycled is considered " live rock".
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