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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 22, 2006
Charlotte, NC
I came home today to find my new juvenile blue tang dead. I've had him for two weeks. I'm really confused because he was a real friendly fish, he ate everyday since I had him including yesterday, and he even ate the nori that I left for him today. He showed no signs of disease or stress. He let my cleaner shrimp clean him everyday. Every other animal in my tank is doing fine. I checked my water and everthing is fine.
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 10
ph 8.2
salinity 1.024
temp 78
Any ideas on why this happened.
I have many other animals that should have shown signs of bad conditions including a coral.
Sorry for you loss. Sometimes, they come from the LFS/online store already sick. How did you acclimate him?
I got him from the lfs and acclimated him using the floating bag method. The store did a medicated dip when I bought him. Its just weird because he didn't seem sick or stressed at all.
I like to do a drip for at least an hour on fish and at least 2 on inverts. What kind of medicated dip did they do? How long was he in the store?
not sure about the medication but the owners are very helpful and said that they have had very good results with the medication. I have bought all my animals there and have had no other problems. The fish was in the store for a week. He was almost a gray color at the store but within a hour in my tank he was the brightest blue and yellow I have seen on any fish.
The floating bag only acclimates the temperature to your tanks temperate. The drip acclimates them to the actual water parameters of your tank (salinity, etc.).

I think the JV Tang should be kept in like 100+ gallon tank. Your profile says yours is 55. There are many here with more expertise than me, but maybe that could have been the issue.

Yes the floating bag is not as good as the drip but it still does acclimate them to the water parameters. You float the bag and pour small amounts of your tank water into the bag at intervals for about an hour. And yes I understand that tangs need a larger tank but it was a small tang (about a 1") and I planned on trading him in as soon as he got to big. I appreciate all the replies, but I still don't understand if I did something wrong or if it was just one of those things that happen in this hobby.
It's kind of hard to tell. I would see what "medicated" dip they did, and why.
I agree that I would check the medicated dip. Why do they need that? I would maybe consider not dipping next time. IME I have never had any of my fish or corals dipped. ESP after 2 weeks the tang dieing. And this is IMO
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