Getting started

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Dec 17, 2013
Finally started getting all the stuff we need for our 90 gallon FOWLR tank. I'll post ask later when the thing start to arrive.
Just put in the charcoal. How often do you change that out? Or is it a one time deal
Do the circulation pumps need to be on a timer or all the time?
Just put in the sand and going to do the rock next. Any suggestions on rock formations?
Best to go rock first, then sand. You really want your base rocks to sit on the tank floor for stability if you ever have sand dwelling critters they can make your rock unstable. Try and make a few caves but really your rock scape is up to you. You can post pics here for people opinions if you like :)
This is what we've got so far

A little modified. How does it look?
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