help with my volitan lionfish

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 16, 2008
i just got the fish last night, since i got him he chased my clown fish around all night. When i woke up this morning all he is doing is laying on my rocks, is this normal?? when i woke up he was laying on my filter hoses, i havent been able to get him to eat either frozen or live shrimp. Thats the other concern is when i woke up this morning my cleaner shrimp was dead!
please help...
Just to make sure that I'm understanding your post, you placed a lion fish in a tank with a clown fish and cleaner shrimp? If this is true, I don't think your clown fish will be around too much longer or any other animal small enough to fit into the lion fish's mouth.

As to your other concern, lion fish are normally a lazy type of fish. They like to just hang out and do nothing. Atleast that's how I have always noticed them. So, the fact that your fish is not very active until he's chasing a potential meal sounds about right.

If you are really concerned about his eating something though, this is one test that will tell you alot. If you have some tongs, grab a small piece of shrimp with them and daggle it in front of the lion fish. If it doesn't try to snatch it up, i would be concerned as lion fish will usually take an easy meal.

note: please remove smaller fish from the tank with the lion fish unless you plan on using the smaller fish as food for the lion fish.
ya..i'm not to concerned about the clown fish at all. My cleaner shrimp died today...i put him in some tongs dangling it infront of the lionfish and he did nothing but shy away
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