metal halide

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 7, 2009
Phoenix, Az.
is it mandatory to run meal halide on my saltwater swim tank? i was looking at the price of them and thay are way pricy if it is do u know where to get one cheap in phoenix or on the web??
You only need metal halide for high light demanding corals, some would even disagree on that. For fish only you can use just about any light you want but brighter will make some fish look better. What are you looking to keep in your tank?
i am just keeping clowns, tangs, coral bannded shrimp, some pollups and snails and hermits for cleaning, and i got an anenme for the clowns
You'll need some pretty hefty lighting for that anemone, not necessarily MH. My belief is that you can get away with 4 wpg as long as your LR is stacked in a way that the anemone can move higher if he needs to. He'll search out his required lighting if it's available in the tank. It sounds like you might have plenty.

wpg is an older general term but still useful (few years ago we all used it and somehow managed to have sucessful tanks). Google some and read the post below and see if that helps.
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