Other than hermit crabs?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 22, 2012
What's a good alternative to these guys? It seems like they all kill each other and rip each other outta their shells. I'm down to like 2 or 3... There's gotta be something else for a CUC other than hermits...
Lol. I've seen hermits battle like crazy. Got a couple videos of battle royales actually. Makes me laugh everytime people talk about it. Truth of the matter most cases they are fighting for the others shell. Try getting some larger spare shells for them. But other times they just fight. Especially the zebra striped black and white ones. Go with red Scarlett's there the best and I never seen them fight
I have so many extra shells lol... My favorite hermit who I named Bruno was dead today 8-( He was the biggest one, and his shell is still abandoned. Maybe one of my fish is tearing them
outta their shells?
Maybe one of my fish is tearing them
outta their shells?
what kind of fish you have

my 6 line wrasse goes after all my snails and hermits
also my flame angle munches on them
6 line
2 mocha clowns
Clown goby
Algae blenny
Tiger goby
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