Powder Green algea?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 15, 2008
Anyone have any ideas on how to combat this issue? My phosphates are at 0ppm and Nitrates at 10ppm. Ammonia 0ppm & Nitrites at 0ppm..... i feed every 3 days and they consume it within seconds.... :n00b:
Only happens on glass, if I don't scrub it everyday and let it sit and gather on glass for a couple days it takes a razor blade to get it off... Kinda the only problem i am having.. My lighting seems to be good, and the tank is in a dark room with no direct sunlight.
This particular tank is new.. about 7 days old.. however, rock, sand, fish is from 2 year tank. I had this problem with my 29 gallon tank so i did a 50% water change plus upgraded to a larger tank (60 gallon).. I know my tank recycled.. i had a diatoms on the sand, but that is clearin up. The tank for 7 days is showing good signs of stabalyzing, coraline algea (small amounts) are on rear glass. I dont want to scrape off the coraline algea but its mixed in with green powder algea on the glass. I posted a thread the other day titled New member which has all my specs on it.. thanks
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