Stock Help - Want a 2nd option

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 6, 2006
Tank is 125gal 4x2x2.
Fluval FX5
2x Seio 820
150-175lbs live rock
260w fluorescent light
Coralife super Skimmer 220 gal (needle wheel)

Here is a stock suggestion from another thread for a community tank:

* Blue tang (near last after 3-4 months when you got the tank settled quite a bit)
* Yellow tang (absolutely last - cause they can be mean to newcomers)
* or, purple tang
* 2 (mated pair) percula or ocellaris clowns
* a blenny (plenty to choose from)
* couple of gobies (maybe a pistol shrimp too)
* 3-5 blue green chromis
* (after one year and maybe 100-1550 lbs of live rock) a mandarin
* 3 cleaner shrimp
* assorted hermits
* assorted snails
* brittle and or serpent starfish

I was in the LFS today and I just can't help myself. I completely love larger fish and the picasso/niger trigger especially. Can this work?

Niger Trigger
Picasso Trigger
1 more fish

I know trigger move live rock, but is it really a problem? I don't forsee the tank getting super dirty with only 2-3 fish and no cleanup crew.

I know most people want me to start a community tank as a first tank but I really like triggers. I will not be starting until January so I'm just examining all my options.

From what I can see they need at least a 70 gallon tank so you have that part covered but realize that these fish are messy eaters and when you say just three fish you are not talking just any fish. I would suggest a Skimmer if you do go that route. Good Luck on your tank.
melosu58 said:
From what I can see they need at least a 70 gallon tank so you have that part covered but realize that these fish are messy eaters and when you say just three fish you are not talking just any fish. I would suggest a Skimmer if you do go that route. Good Luck on your tank.

Sorry! I forgot to mention that I will have a 220gal protein skimmer also. It hasn't arrived yet so I forget to mention it :)
The agressive tank will work, but really limits you future choices and they will much on most inverts.

The fisrt list looks more like a reef comparible list. If decide to go aggressive FO or FOWLR just be prepared to do frequent PWC and even with a 125g 2-3 fish can produce I good size bioload.

Oh, the only other thing to keep in mind is that somepeople grow weary of an agressive tank due to the lack of choices. Some really cool fish, but kind of like Ocsars in FW(neat to feed, but once they grow large can get to be a nuisance).

Now, I did recently add a fuzzy dwarf lion to my reef, which has spiced up the environment alot.

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