sump question

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Nov 26, 2009
I have thought about this for a while. I still have my octopus 300f hob skimmer from when my sump was my display.

Could I have the overflow from the tank fall straight into the intake chamber and whatever excess water there is just drain out the intake pipe to the sump or will something catastophic happen?

I wanted to use it for a pre-skimmer sort of thing if possible.
So wait.. you want the water from the overflow to go in to the skimmer before it goes in to the sump? If so.. what for? It would accomplish the same thing if it was just running normally in your sump.
I don't know, thought it would be kind of a pre skim sort of thing. I have it laying around not doing anything and wanted to make use of it. Plus, my sump stays around 3/4 full so it wouldn't be a the top of the overflow box on the skimmer. That's the only way I knew to feed the skimmer short of another pump pushing water up to it.

The 300f has a lid over the intake chamber and I was going to have the pipe from the overflow go into the top of the intake chamber. The overflow will put out more than the two pumps can move so I was going to have the intake tube on the skimmer bleed off excess water into the sump and then it makes it's way through the sump back to the tank.
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