Beginner Aquarist

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 21, 2014
I so far have a 90 gallon pond with 4 small comet goldfish. I am in the process of building a 1,000 gallon pond with slope and am already cycling my canister filter on my existing pond to have it all ready when the time comes to transfer. I have some elephant ears and newly added hornwort! And in the next few months hoping to add a 30 gallon tank to my collection! Lol more pond plants and fish to come this summer! And thinking on doing the 30g tank lightly planted very natural theme. Have a filter too when im ready for the task.

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Hi and welcome to AA !! Man sounds like you got your hands full :)

Thanks! Definitely alot to do! But very exciting too! Haha definitely an addicting hobby! Never a dull moment!
Could you post a pic, this is my dream project

Here are a pic of the old pond and the one that is started! Some how the pond has gotten super clear lately! Haha and most recently I have added salt as a new routine. New pond is 3 feet feet at the deepest two and a half feet wide and seven feet long. The slope is four feet wide with about a two foot slope.take alittle if I remember correctly. Very excited! It is going to be concrete.
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I so far have a 90 gallon pond with 4 small comet goldfish. I am in the process of building a 1,000 gallon pond with slope and am already cycling my canister filter on my existing pond to have it all ready when the time comes to transfer. I have some elephant ears and newly added hornwort! And in the next few months hoping to add a 30 gallon tank to my collection! Lol more pond plants and fish to come this summer! And thinking on doing the 30g tank lightly planted very natural theme. Have a filter too when im ready for the task.

Sent from my GT-P5210 using Aquarium Advice mobile app

Welcome to Aquarium Advice! Enjoy! :welcome:

I think you may be interested in one of our forums here that pertains to ponds: Freshwater & Brackish - Coldwater, Native Fish & Ponds - Aquarium Advice - Aquarium Forum Community

Thanks so much! I definitely have been reading up and getting a lot of great ideas for my new pond! :) and future aquarium! alot of great dos and don't! Did have some questions about keeping some mosquito fish and possibly minnows with my goldfish! Think I've decided on goldfish instead of koi for the new pond. Definitely a work in progress! Haha
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