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The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 11, 2013
Hello everyone I'm Jeremey! I'm 20 and in love with animals and plants. They are my reason for living! Currently I have a 12 gallon freshwater aquarium with live plants (I forgot the species but I could figure it out if I need too) some shrimp and two kinds of fish. I also have a closed terrarium with a baby gecko. I've had many other animals and fish. I've just recently been getting into the aquascaping, vivariums, paludarium stuff. I'm currently looking for help and ideas on making a natural looking paludarium for some fish and either amphibians or reptiles. I am not an expert but to be an expert I need practice and help! I have another thread you can post on to help me out with the paludarium. Any other questions just hit me up! ^-^
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