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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 10, 2016
Hi everyone, thank you for adding me! I'm a newbie and have a 46g fw tank. Doing fishless cycling, and hopefully almost done! Have s question however. My water looks crystal clear until I turn on the acnitic light, then it looks hazy. Before I started cycling with Dr. Tims ammonia it looked perfectly clear with the acnitic light on. Not sure what's up. Ammonia is at 0.5, nitrites 0. Like I said, water looks super clear until I turn lights off and acnitic on
Hello and welcome to AA!
I don't run actinics on my FW tank so I'm not sure if they "enhance" the cloudiness in any way. Visually I prefer a warmer tone when it comes to lighting.
Good luck with the cycle.

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I'm going to get a few glofish for my grandson to mix with other tetras etc so I wanted an acnitic light. Before I started the fishless cycling it looked crystal clear
Here is the water in my fishless cycling I was speaking of in my earlier post. Notice water looks clear under LEDs, clear under moon light, but cloudy under acnitic light. Wasn't like this at the beginning......
Hi welcome :)

(Can't see any pictures here either - are you uploading a photo directly or posting a link of any image?)
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