Howdy from Washington

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 5, 2014
Hey guys and gals,

Been in the Aquarium hobby since I was 11 going on 16 years now. Have had numerous kinds of fish but lately it has been about my African Cichlids and my Oscars. Currently have a 125 and a 90 gallon aquarium. Working on adding a 240 gallon. Glass is ordered just waiting to get it here so I can put her together.

What got me going into fish keeping was everytime I was at my Grandpas he had Africans I loved them but I was told not to start off with them start smaller so I did and got a 10 gallon then grew up from there.

Thats a bit about me. Hope to meet more like minded friends here.


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