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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 27, 2005
Topeka KS
Hello everybody. I'm new here and I'm thirteen years old. I just wanted to say how much of a help everybody here has been so i finally decided to join. Once again, everyone here has been a real help and Icouldn't have done it without u guys. Thanks again.

Welcome to our community!!! I'm sure you will enjoy and contribute to the experience!!! :) :)
I have a 29 gallon fowlr with 1 yellowtail damsel and one blue velvet damsel. I also have a huge arrow crab, about 22 pounds of live rock and some starfish hitchhikers. I have two bio-wheels (going to change) and as of now Normal output fluorescent. Sonn to be a corralife 30 inch 130 watt Compact fluorescent.
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