New here and basically new to the aquarium hobby

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Feb 26, 2013
Sandy, OR

My name is Adam and I just started getting into keeping an aquarium. My parents were part owners of a pet store when I was growing up and we had lots of aquariums in the store and at home.

My daughter had a 10 gallon tank with a goldfish who finally decided to commit fishy suicide and jumped out of the tank (this after moving him from a dark cold basement to a bright open room) and one of the dogs apparently had some fish tank sushi, because there was no sign of the goldfish.

The old lady had gotten a Chinese Algae Eater to keep the goldfish company and after the goldfish died she went and picked up five "Gold" White Cloud Tetras (At least I think that's what they are). There are still 2 of them left. We picked up a Dwarf Gourami (Petco called it Neon Blue Gourami), a Flame Red Gourami, an Albino Bristlenose Pleco, and 2 Dalmation Mollies. The Mollies and the ABP died and I found out that our water was in no condition for fish (didn't harm the Gouramis or Tetras though).

Well I've since taken over the tank maintenance and got the water balanced out. I picked up a couple more Dalmation Mollies, 2 ABPs and an Opaline Gourami. The Mollies died... We're done with Mollies. My water conditions were good except Nitrates were high and not coming down. I've read that Mollies are sensative fish and assume that either the Nitrates killed them or they had something from the pet store. None of the other fish were effected. Recently however, I believe my Red Flame Gourami got constipated and he passed. His scales were not pine coned out and he wasn't pooping.

I've now upgraded to a 55 gallon aquarium that I got a screaming deal on. Tank, stand, hood, lights, heater, Undertow UG filter, Emporer 400 Bio-Wheel filter, substrate, deco, etc, etc, all for $70! I had to reseal the tank and need to replace the ballast on one of the lights but a screaming deal none the less. The fish are loving the new home (and the Nitrates are between 10 and 20!). I added the first live plants to the aquarium today. I picked up an Amazon Swordplant, a Bronze Wnetii Crypt, and 2 Cryptocoryne Balansae. Will be adding more but will probably need to get new bulbs, as I just purchased the Aqueon Colormax bulbs.

I've converted my 10 gallon into a QT tank and just today added to it, 2 Pearl Gouramis, 2 Dwarf Neon Rainbows, and 2 Bolivian Ram Cichlids.

My old lady wants to get another tank to setup as a glofish tank. We're looking at a 10 gallon half moon aquarium that someone has for sale for this purpose.

Well I've rambled on enough for now. I'll post pictures in my profile.

Your nitrates are at zero? You should have some nitrates in your tank. At least 10-20ppm. It's ammonia and nitrites you want at zero.
Oops yeah, that should have said "between 10 and 20" (editing). Ammonia and Nitrites are 0
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