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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 17, 2013
Omaha, NE
Hello! I just joined AquariumAdvice today so I can get any help I might need with my Aquarium. I have been in the hobby for about two years now and have had my ups and downs learning about my newly found hobby.

Currently I have a 37 Gallon freshwater tank, which has the following:
9 Zebra Danios
5 Neon Tetras (2 of which black)
2 Balloon Mollies
1 African Featherfin Catfish
1 Cory Catfish
1 Rubberlip Plecostomus
And 2 Black Skirt Tetras

Now I know I need more Black Skirts but my Grandma gave me then from a fishtank at work. So I said id take them otherwise they would probably be long gone down the toilet. :/
I had a question regarding the Black Skirts, should I get 3 more for them to school or would my tank be overcrowded?

Anyways thats my Aquarium, I look forward to helping and getting the help I need! Thanks! :thanks:
Welcome! Not sure about the Blackskirt question but someone here will know. Glad you ve joined us.
Thanks guys :D anyways, i'll get more Corys! As for the Black Skirts what do you think?
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