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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 8, 2014
Hello everyone! I'm new here still trying to learn how to use this app. I would love to set a profile picture. Does anyone have any advice? I wanted to join this community so that I could learn from others that enjoy this as a hobby and I also have been learning a lot since I've only been doing this for a year now but I'm just starting to get into having live plants in my tank. The center piece of my tank is my African clawed frogs but I also have three dwarf gourami's, a pleco, and a pictus catfish. Any help with getting started with the set up of this app would be greatly appreciatedImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1410193729.358405.jpg
Hello everyone! I'm new here still trying to learn how to use this app. I would love to set a profile picture. Does anyone have any advice? I wanted to join this community so that I could learn from others that enjoy this as a hobby and I also have been learning a lot since I've only been doing this for a year now but I'm just starting to get into having live plants in my tank. The center piece of my tank is my African clawed frogs but I also have three dwarf gourami's, a pleco, and a pictus catfish. Any help with getting started with the set up of this app would be greatly appreciatedView attachment 249454

nice tank there, but african frogs are predators and could harm the DG's. how big is your tank? pictus cats like to be in schools, and need at tank of around 4 feet. also is it a common pleco (I think there like 3$ are petsmart, but not positive as I don't shop there)
The DGs are the only fish that have manage to live well with my frogs because one of them eats any fish that she can get her hands on but te gouramis are big enough to where she can't get them and she leaves them alone and eats the feeder fish that I get for her. I did not know that pictus catfish like to live in a community. How many do they like in a group?
The African clawed frogs are the main thing that i enjoy in my tank I know a lot about them. For me the fish are secondary but I'm really enjoying them so any advice on the gouramis would be great as well.
Is do at least three pictus cats. How many DGs do you have? DGs should be kept with 1 male. Don't have more then 1 male in the same tank, because they will fight

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Unfortunately I learned that after I already had three males because I didn't do my research first like I should have but surprisingly they get along well I think it's because they all have there own territory to stay in. Do you think it would be bad to add a female to that mix?
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