Newbie from small state of Texas

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 4, 2009
Hey all, just introducing myself here from Texas. I have been hiding in the shadows for a while reading and learning more on your forums. Also, I have been following projects like Ziggy's, other's builds. I have had a freshwater tank for years and have enjoyed it very much. Yet, everytime I go to the LFS, I am in awe of the marine tanks, so I decided to make the change.

I spent about 800$ after I left the fish store and still did not get lighting, but I set up anyway and used my old freshwater lighting system. {40w flourescent/double, 48 in.} Since then, I have spent much more $$$$ {YIKES} on water, Live rock, etc.{only damsels so far as far as fish} I have a 75g tank and am on a low budget [wife says I have too much hobbies] :). Anyways, hope to post more and hopefully get some questions answered from my novice self.

Welcome to AA. Make sure you read our articles section. Lots of good info in there esp. how to cycle the tank.
Hey Fish, thnx for the concern, but I was not affected by the fires in Texas recently. I am much further south by the Galveston area :). Only thing I have to worry about is hurricanes!

And thanks fo the warm welcome all.

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