175L tank, first marine setup, LED query

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 30, 2011

my partner and I are about to set up our first marine tank and need some advice on LEDs. We're lucky enough to have a creative sparky on hand and if I can get the right info about how much light we'll need (in lay terms, please!) then we can have an LED hood built.

We'll definately have live rock and maybe coral in the future, is it acceptable to start with the maximum amount of light so we don't have to change later or will early inhabitants be sensitive to this? Also, I've read about different colours being advantageous to fish/invertibrates because of how sunlight is filtered through different depths of water but I think we need a pro for direction on this!

If anyone could help we'd be really appreciative. Great site with loads of info.

(if you came for the monkey, I'm sorry, there are none here)
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